Mike resawing some great looking Paulownia for decks and railbands.

The 10ft "Alley Slider" deck skin being sanded down to 8mm on the 600mm wide drum sander.This means that when it is glued down I will not have to touch it with sandpaper at all.

Mike finishing the first run of glue up the stringer to get the deck down on the 5ft 10" fish.

Every guy needs a mate to keep him company in the shed all day. This is Waddy short for Wadkin ( a brand of bandsaws ) He is a Jack Russell and a great little guy.

Getting a few planks through the thicknesser , ready to be glued up side by side to form deck skins up to 600mm wide.

The fish with the deck on with its concave out through the tail.

6mm deck pulled down no worries.

Mike had a visit from a mate of his John Buckham who builds guitars . Just unreal looking and sounding guitars, where would you start to build one of these ? Anyway he was off to the Guitar show in Brisbane and spent the night catching up and playing a few tunes on his great sounding instruments.
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