Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Zinny's new board

Good friend Zinny lives in Western Australia and was one of the first people to contact me about my vacuum bagging building method and has been experimenting for some time with the process with great results. What follows are some shots he sent me of him building his boards.
 To the shaped EPS stringerless blank is glued a thin parabolic stringer or first rail band.
Masking tape applied to protect the blank from extra glue
 Vacuum pump at the ready to get the skins on
Top and bottom skins applied at the same time
Zinny is a builder and so he has opted to build a jig the same shape as his boards rail line to laminate the rail bands to. This way they can then be added to the board as one unit.
 Here the rails have been added prior to being shaped
 Final shaping of the rails
 Looking the goods
 Final sanding and fine tuning of the rails
 Routing and setting up the fin boxes
 All set, with plenty of options to try out.
 Epoxy resin brushed on to seal the Paulownia

 Ready for action in the wild reefs of WA
A great looking result with a long life ahead of it.


Woodbuddha said...

Great looking boards.

Anonymous said...

Sick board Zinny. That's no wall hanger mate.

Anonymous said...

Great looking board as usual Zinny. That's no wall hanger mate.

mitimiti arte y diseño said...

nice board