We we are just home from 4 days in Byron Bay for this years Surf Festival and what a great 4 days. This year was bigger and better than last yaer and a big thank you must go out to Mike and his team who organised it all. A huge effort which was richly rewarded with a massive turnout of people and a town who have embraced a festval which truely reflects their lifestlye and why they live where they do.
The opening on Friday night with the traditional owners of the land and the Byron area performed their dances and song. Then came the daunting task of hoisting the screen for the movie in 30 knot northerly winds that never backed off all weekend unfortunately. But in the end we have all been to the beach in these sorts of conditions and this was not going to dampen the spirits of those who came to have a fun time with all that the programe had to offe
Andy from Wooden Anchor used an axe and other various wood working tools to hand cut this Paipo from a log on the day. It was green Paulownia and the thing weighed a ton.
The Tepees stood the test of the winds
Traditonal outrigger hand cut from one log of Paulownia
Tools of the bushmans trade and very sharp
Making her first hand plane under the instruction of Andrew Wells of Grown Surfboards
Nobby from Japan was on hand to lead people through the task of hand shaping their own wooden fin.
Will came up from Pacific Palms to do the course
Music was everywhere which is what happens in Byron most days.
Guy Walker from the Gold Coast with his unique hand make blanks and boards
Lots of people
Master shaper and board designer Gary McNeil with Tom and Fin Wegener
A bike with add ons
A great way to get out of the sun on the beach
Mike in a light hearted moment after he knew he could do no more to make this a great weekend for all of us. Thanks mate.
You could get a trim or a make over
The best BBQ going round was on hand once again, Pulled Pork roll to die for.
All the way up from South Australia to show off his skills
Board cover making classes were on all day
I was so busy talking to people and answering questions that I didn't get away for long or very far to shoot these shots to share with you. But there were a great range of shapers and boards , music , art and food.Then at night there were more bands beerrs food and movies on hand a various locations around town.
Jackie and I had a great weekend and met some great people

Natalie just sat and soaked it all in.
Nobby had a couple of Japanese tradional body boards called Itago.
Sunday was another windy onshore Northerly day at Wategos , the sun was out all day but the wind never let up.
Shapers from the day before were asked to bring their boards to display and provide a couple of demo boards. So there was a steady stream of people heading out on all sorts of boards.This was while there were also expression sessions on a variety of different styles of boards.
This is the assembled line up prior to heading out for ther Corona dash for cash. They all headed out into the wash some 150 meteres offshore disapearing between waves. Then the flag was dropped and in they came on all sorts of boards.Close to shore there were a number of likely contenders , some jumped off too early and made hard work of it in deep water , others ran and fell , but Eden Saul of Dead Kooks Surfboards claimed the prize.
Nobby had a couple of Japanese tradional body boards called Itago.
And that was it for another year. Be sure to plan to come next year as you will not be disappointed.