Sunday, April 26, 2015

A new look at getting those rail bands on

Sergi from Flama Surfboards in Spain just sent these pics to share of a new way that he has come up with to get his rail bands on.The board is cradled on edge and this enables you to access the whole length of the rail at a good working height. Get them glued and set up and then strap them down.

" I also made it double, like for working with two boards at a time. It holds firmly the board sideways and there are hooks aplenty to tighten the straps, which is specially useful for the more curvy areas in nose and tail."
 Looks like a great way of doing the job. I use good quality masking tape myself.

Sergi has just sent an update to share -  " I'm adding an image of the plan I made to build the TASAWUWAGI-Rack (Take A Siesta And Wake Up With A Great Idea). haha!
It might be useful for those who want to try."

1 comment:

  1. Sergi has just sent an update to share - " I'm adding an image of the plan I made to build the TASAWUWAGI-Rack (Take A Siesta And Wake Up ...
