Chris from Costa Norte Surfboards in the Dominican Republic has just finished a new board to share with us.
" It was a little challenging finding and using local materials, but everything worked out ok. The end weight turned out to be about 11-12lbs."
" Also the technique I use for doing the rails first worked great once again. There are several strips with the rocker profile that follows the outline cut into them that are laminated together in a jig to give it it's outline shape. BoardCAD works great for printing out those templates for those strips. Then the internal framework it added followed by the top and bottom skins. It is proving to be a relatively fast way of building hollow wooden surfboards."
"The first time at the beach some local guys commented on the board, that it looked neat but they weren't sure how it would work being that it was heavier than a normal surfboard. One of them took it out and caught a few waves and when he came back in, one of the first things he said was that he didn't notice the weight at all once in the water. "
" Wood is just such a different material than foam and fiberglass. You don't build quality acoustic instruments out of foam and fiberglass. The best acoustic instruments are made out of wood, because of it's vibrance and resonance."
great job