Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Hollow wooden board

I have received an email from a lady who has this board and would like to find out more about it.

" Hi Grant,   just wondering if it would be worth coming to the Gold Coast at your meetings all about boards, as I have an old board that I would like some information on , this one could be 1930's Hollow 3 metres x 500 and in good condition it is only now taking on water so we retired it, but was going to fix it until the surf guy said if I were you find more information, my son was given the board 7 years ago by a good old (94year old) neighbour, she used it to collect crabs in the peel inlet near Mandurah W.A. for many years. We currently live in S.A and its too big to bring to the meeting. Have attached photos   Regards  Ann and Byron Bruce.   email "

So if you have any info you could contribute to this board or type of board could you help Ann and Byron out by contacting them.

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